Sunday, May 01, 2011

job position avail

Drivers are needed to assist in transporting a totally blind Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and guide dog in the field. Duties are as follows:
Picking up VRC
Driving to consumers homes/Schools/Etc.
Assisting with tasks requiring sight such as helping consumers sign forms if needed
Helping with minor technological issues such as installing programs from a CD onto a computer that may not be equipped with screen reading software
Drivers must be willing to transport a Guide Dog in their vehicle.
Drivers must be punctual and reliable.
Drivers must be able to navigate in heavy traffic.
Drivers must not have a problem with traveling to areas in the Fort Worth Region. Counties include: Tarrant, Parker, Palo Pinto, Wise, Johnson, Somervell, Erath, and Hood. About 95% of travel will be done within Tarrant County, but be prepared to travel to any of the counties listed.
Drivers must not be prone to speeding/traffic tickets.
Drivers must drive the speed limit unless extenuating circumstances dictate a need to drive under the speed limit.
Drivers must have a cell phone.
Drivers are not allowed to text while driving.
Drivers must have a current driver's license.
Drivers must provide their own vehicle.
Vehicles must be reliable and in decent shape.
Drivers must have vehicles registered, inspected, and insured.
Drivers must have a good driving record.
Drivers must allow VRC to copy driver's license and insurance card for records.
Drivers must sign a confidentiality form.
Drivers must have an excellent command of the English language and literacy skills in order to help VRC with tasks such as having a consumer fill out and sign documents.
Drivers must be able to follow driving directions and/or read a map.
Drivers must not smoke in the vehicle.
Drivers are paid $9.00 per hour and $.50 cents per mile.
Drivers are paid on the 30/31st of the month for the previous month.
The best candidates will have other financial resources or possibly be retired, but retirement is not required.
High school students will not be accepted.
Drivers are paid monthly.
Drivers are not paid mileage before picking up and after dropping off VRC.
Drivers are not paid for time spent during lunch.
Multiple candidates will be accepted in order to ensure that scheduling will not be a problem. This will also help each driver meet other obligations that they may have.
Drivers must have flexible schedules and be able to work Tuesday-Friday from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. This consists of a 10-hour day plus 30 minutes for lunch. This also could include picking up VRC at 7:00 AM in order to reach a consumer by 7:30. Times vary from week to week, and there may be some weeks without driving or a few days between driving trips. Some days may not consist of the entire 10.5 hours.
Maps will be provided on every trip along with a log which must be filled out.
Feel free to bring reading materials, etc. for times when VRC is with consumers and the driver is not immediately needed.

If you or someone you know is interested in this position or if you have any questions, contact Janice Moran at:
(817) 759-3533


 -:¦:-•:*'""*:•.-:¦:-•NATHAN DAY*•-:¦:-•:*''''*:•-:¦:-THANKS! -:¦:-•:*""'*•

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